New Exhibits at the Sayre Historical Society
The featured exhibit in the Ken Bracken Rotating Exhibit Room is "Downtown: A History of Sayre's Business Community" featuring rare images of many of Sayre's commercial ventures. Among the business establishments recalled are Bolich Hardware, Vail Brothers Café and Restaurant, Union Cigar Store, Teed's Grocery, Star Theater, Glaser's Drug Store, Seven Sisters Sweet Shop, Hicks & Collins, W.T. Grants, Lambert Chocolatier, and Albro House, among others. The "Downtown" exhibit is being held over from 2020 due to the closure of the museum last year for Covid. A new exhibit on World War II and Sayre is being planned for the fall.
In the Henry Farley Community Room, an exhibit of paintings and art work by Robert and Gertrude Gauss is on display. Among the original works being shown are a painting of Rev. Albert Greene (former pastor of the Church of the Redeemer) and a pencil drawing of the Sheshequin Church along with a photograph of the Howard Elmer Park bandstand and a sketch of Harry Harford (the "rag, paper, rags" man) on his horse drawn wagon going through downtown Sayre.
In the museum's model train room, a display of O-scale model trains featuring the famous John Wilkes steam locomotive and cars is currently on display. The impressive collection features the 4-6-2 John Wilkes locomotive and tender, a complete Lehigh Valley coach set (two coach cars, a combination car, baggage car and observation car) an LV map car, along with a separate set of LVRR passenger cars (three passenger cars, a combination car and a Railway Express car). The model train collection was donated to the museum by Richard Poletto of Sayre.